DLF-NTNU Webinar: Warehousing – new technologies and opportunities in order picking.

DLF and NTNU invites you to a joint Webinar about Warehousing – new technologies and opportunities in order picking.

  1. september kl. 9.00-10.00 via MS Teams. (gjennomført)

Target group: Managers in warehousing, logistics, production and supply chain

Language: English and Norwegian.

Speakers: Fabio Sgarbossa (Prof. of Industrial Logistics, NTNU) and Torbjørn Krogen (CEO Driw AS, CEO Currence Robotics AS).

Thomas Weihe, Director Value Chain Affairs DLF, will introduce the webinar.

Sign up here!

The webinar will deal with advances in order picking systems. After a brief introduction of the state of the art of order picking systems, the speakers will present the current trends in automation and robotization of warehouses. Some examples will be given highlighting the application area, the potentialities, and challenges of each solution. Some reflections on how Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning can be used to extract information from big-data available from warehouses management systems are given.

It is also known that, despite the developments in automation and robotization, human will still play a central role in warehousing. Thus, the speakers will present the current approaches for human-centered warehouses and how assistive technologies can support operators in such context. Finally, the recent solution (GrabTM) developed by Currence Robotics will be presented as state-of-the-art example of human-centered warehousing robotization. Results included in the webinar come from DigiMAT project (IPN project funded by NFR).


Klokkeslett Foredrag Foredragsholder(e)



  • Thomas Weihe

    Director Value Chain Affairs DLF

Short introduction on warehousing and order picking


  • Fabio Sgarbossa

    Prof. of Industrial Logistics, NTNU

  • Torbjørn Krogen

    CEO Driw AS, CEO Currence Robotics AS

Evolution of order picking systems

–Automation vs robotization

–Artificial Intelligence (AI) / Machine Learning(ML) in planning and control

Human factors in order picking systems

–Ergo-order picking systems

–Assistive technologies for pickers 4.0

Take away




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