British Brands Group: The Brands Lectures

The Brand Lectures – «Are brands a form of corportate bullsh*it?»

British Brands Group er en medlemsorganisasjon for merkevarer i Storbritannia som også utgir forskjellige foredrag om merkevarer.

Nå har de lansert nytt foredrag i serien The Brands Lectures  med tittelen «Are brands a form of corportate bullsh*it?« .

Foredraget presenteres av Evan Davies, økonom og programleder i BBC.

Are brands a form of corporate consumer exploitation, or is it possible to explain them as a desirable feature of our economic system? We live in a time of general distrust of business and its motives, and in this talk, Evan Davis asks whether the attention lavished upon brands in modern industrialised economies should be seen as justifying cynicism about companies and their marketing.

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Les mer om British Brands Group og tidligere utgitte foredrag. 

British Brands Group is a membership organisation dedicated to championing brands in the UK. Our objective is to ensure that the UK is a great place to create, build and sustain brands and that brands’ positive contribution to consumers, the economy and society is better understood by policy makers and others.